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Friendship Group

Loneliness is a shared part of the human experience. Most of us long for real, loyal and lasting connections, but sometimes it is difficult to figure out how to find and sustain them. This 12-week virtual (online) group will explore how to build closeness with others. Each session will start with exploration and discussion of a topic (like building trust, bonding, working through conflicts, etc.), and then participants will be moved to small groups for more personal processing and to make connections with others in the group.

Part of the purpose of the group is to help you meet new people and develop real friendships, so there will be lots of opportunities for sharing! Expect to be vulnerable and uncomfortable at times, and be open to growth and change—most of us have baggage that makes it hard for us to form real relationships, and that is likely to come up. This is not a therapy group, but it does provide space for learning new ways of being with other people. There will be a small amount of homework each week (reading, watching videos, etc.). The cost for attendance is $10 a session.

Real connections with others can only be made when everyone involved feels safe, valued, and respected. For this reason, challenging prejudice and all forms of oppression (racism, sexism, heterosexism, cissexism, ageism, sizeism, etc.) will be an integral part of the group.

To express interest in attending this group, please e-mail me at:

Fostering Closeness (Therapy Group)

This group therapy experience provides an opportunity to work on developing closeness with others in a small, intensive setting (8-10 people). Participants will process and work through personal issues that prevent them from getting close to other people, and practice the process of building trust and connection in the moment with group members. The group will be facilitated from an anti-racist, intersectional feminist perspective. Any expressions of prejudice or oppressive behavior will be processed in the group, as these are barriers to developing intimacy with others. Cost of enrollment is $400 for the 10-week group.

To express interest in attending this group, please e-mail me at:

Interracial Couples/Families Support Group

More and more families bring together individuals of different racial and cultural backgrounds. These families have unique gifts, joys, strengths, and challenges. This 12-week discussion and support group will provide an opportunity for group members to explore some of the unique experiences of interracial families and provide and receive support for navigating difficulties. Topics include (but are not limited to): exploring the strengths and gifts of interracial families; understanding each other's cultural experiences; constructing shared rituals and celebrations; reconciling different ideas about communication, family structure, parenting, etc.; dealing with racism and other forms of oppression as a couple/family; dealing with racism and prejudice from family members and friends; addressing prejudice and privilege between partners, siblings, and parents/children. This is not a therapy group, but members will have the opportunity to share and learn from each other’s experiences. As with other groups, this experience will be facilitated from an anti-racist, intersectional feminist perspective; instances of prejudice and bias will be addressed and processed in the group. The group will explore and affirm the experiences of all families, particularly centering the experience of families who are marginalized (LGBTQ families, non-monogamous families, etc.). Cost of attendance is $10 per person for each session.

To express interest in attending this group, please e-mail me at:

White Anti-Racism Support Group for Therapists

This is a 12-week support group for therapists who want to learn and grow in their ability to challenge their own racism and White privilege in their practice of therapy. Some sessions will be topic-based (e.g. noticing and dealing with internal bias, talking about racism with clients of color); participants will contribute to choosing topics that address questions and concerns they are currently experiencing. Other sessions will allow participants to present and process de-identified cases in which dealing with race, racism, and privilege are relevant. Confidentiality of material shared will be strictly maintained. The group will be facilitated from an anti-racist, intersectional feminist lens, addressing the multiple forms of oppression that shape our work with clients; however, for the sake of addressing the particular impact of racism, a focus on White privilege and racism will be maintained. Participants will be encouraged to focus on how racism and White privilege shape their own experience and behavior, in an environment of empathy and accountability, acknowledging that all of us are profoundly shaped by racism and all of us have work to do to dismantle racism in ourselves and in our environments. Cost of attendance is $10 per session.

To express interest in attending this group, please e-mail me at:

Groups: About Me
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